de'Arnise Romance VERSION 7 A Pocket Plane Group Project for Baldur's Gate 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCING DE'ARNISE ROMANCE De'Arnise Romance is an add-on for Baldur's Gate 2. The mod adds a romantic relationship between the player character and Nalia de'Arnise, one of the game's original NPCs. At present, the mod only adds content to the Shadows of Amn portion of the game. Mirror sites and updates will always be available at . INSTALLING DE'ARNISE ROMANCE Windows: -------- (If you have already clicked the dearniseV4.exe file, of course, you are almost done!) You should obtain and install the latest SOA or TOB patch BEFORE installing this (or any) mod. Really bad things happen if you don't have the Bioware patch installed before mods, even worse things happen if you try installing the patch AFTER mods. 1. Extract the dearniseV4.exe file from, and place it anywhere on your drive. 2. Double-click dearniseV4.exe. The installer will launch, and will automatically suggest installing in the directory where Windows believes you have BG2 installed. Unless you have a VERY unusual configuration, accept this default. 3. Click to accept the install directory. The installer creates a new "deArnise" directory in your main BG2 folder, copies a number of files, then exits. A new file, called Setup-deArnise.exe, has been created in your main BG2 directory, and will _automatically_ be run. 4. A console window (DOS window) opens up and asks whether or not you wish to install de'Arnise Romance. Confirm that you do (typically I for Install). 5. Files will be copied, dialogue will be compiled, and the game will generally be made ready for de'Arnise Romance. This process may take a minute or two on a slower system. 6. Enjoy! If anything goes wrong with the process, or you later wish to uninstall this mod, run the Setup-deArnise.exe program once more and select the U option. Mac OS X: --------- If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. To install, simply extract the contents of the mod into your BG2 folder. If properly extracted, you should have a deArnise folder, Setup-deArnise, and Setup-deArnise.command in your BG2 folder. To install, simply double-click Setup-deArnise.command and follow the instructions on screen. In case of difficulties: 1. Open the Terminal, type 'chmod +x' followed by a space, drag Setup-deArnise.command into the window, press enter. 2. Type 'chmod 755' followed by a space, drag Setup-deArnise into the window, press enter. 3. Double-click Setup-deArnise.command, the installation process should now proceed. To reinstall or uninstall the mod, run Setup-deArnise.command in your game directory. DE'ARNISE GAMEPLAY NOTES You do not need to start a new game in order to take advantage of de'Arnise Romance if you do not wish to do so, but you will need to start the game before the final resolution of the de'Arnise Keep plot in order to enjoy the romance content--specifically, before you leave the keep and Nalia wonders about its future. To be on the safe side, just so you don't forget, don't start playing with a game which occurs after you have defeated Tor'Gal. The Keep is an important part of Nalia's life, so her romantic partner needs to be a part of that. We have changed the post-Tor'Gal sequence so that Nalia can now be persuaded to allow a PC of any class to run the Keep, rather than cede control to the Roenalls. Those who are not of the original "approved" classes ( fighters/barbarians/monks) will need to push a bit, but it is deliberately not made too difficult in order to advance the plot. Losing control of the Keep means losing the romance--and, conversely, accepting the care of the Keep is a prerequisite to carrying out the romance. Nalia will begin her romance with a male PC who is human, elven, half-elven, or dwarven, of any character class and alignment. This mod does not add new, non- romance material--we recommend the Banter Packs for that. Nalia frowns upon lower-than-average reputation. She also frowns upon treating her poorly--although Nalia is perhaps more durable than some other Bioware-style romances to the occasional insult, they add up over time and Nalia may break off the relationship with someone who is a consistent boor. You have far more opportunities to lose points than to gain. FLIRTING A PC involved in a romance with Nalia can initiate a brief romantic interlude ( a flirting session, really) by clicking the Talk icon and clicking on Nalia's avatar or portrait. You will see a list of options, to which Nalia will have a random response. Nalia will also initiate her own flirts from time to time. Note that flirting does not begin until after the sixth LOVETALK. FAQ (contains spoilers) Q: Help! The romance appears to be stuck! What did I do wrong? A: Some of the lovetalks do depend on certain game events happening. A quick summary follows, using standard Bioware-style talk numbering (LT8 is the fourth lovetalk.) * LT4: Only occurs after Lord de'Arnise's funeral (which the PC must agree to attend!) * LT10: Only occurs on rest after a "long day." * LT12: Occurs on waking, but not after the LT10 rest * LT14: Occurs after rescuing Nalia from Isaea * LT22: Occurs in a city zone * LT26: Occurs in a city zone * LT34: Occurs after completing the entire Burwood-related quest * LT52: Occurs on rest * LT54: Occurs on wake after LT52 * LT56: Occurs after reaching the Keep, inside(first floor), after LT54. It's also possible that your reputation has fallen below 8, which suspends the romance. Having your reputation below 6 for very long will terminate the romance. Q: What are the variables governing the progress of the romance? A: The romance status is PGNaliaRomanceActive GLOBAL, coded Bioware standard. The lovetalk counter is PGNaliaLovetalk GLOBAL. Q: Is there a Bodhi sequence? A: Yes. Q: What does this mod have in common with the Nalia romance by Arnel, and/or the Auren Aseph romance? A: Well, all three involve Nalia, I suppose. Q: That's not very helpful. Is this compatible with them? Are you going to break my game? Hurt my computer? Will Nalia get it on with absolutely everybody in my party? A: We don't know. We use different variables than either of those mods would, and we do not account for or "code against" them, but common sense suggests that at the very least, installing two dedicated PC/Nalia romances would be a poor idea. Q: I have the Concurrent Romance/Multiromance patch installed, and-- A: Stop. We don't care, whatever it is. Q: Why didn't you include X feature? You said you would on March 3, 2003! I saved the post! A: Sorry. I tried. Some things I just didn't have the inspiration to do well when I was first writing the material (2002-2003), others I didn't have the inspiration or time to do when revisiting and finalizing the material (2007) and still others just didn't seem like as good an idea given years to mellow. Q: Well, what about a new voice? You always said you felt very strongly about that! A: I did, and do, but the reality is that arranging the ~300 recorded lines that would be necessary to make this happen (both revoicing the original material and performing our new lines) would be a significant task, and one likely to cause the development time to stretch out even longer than it already has. It would be lovely at some point in the future to introduce a new voice for Nalia which accounts for the romance. We will try, and that is all I can promise. Q: Are you going to add TOB content? A: I'd love to, but I really couldn't tell you when that might happen. Q: I don't like the way you addressed the identity of Tor'Gal's boss, aka "The Stronger." I think it was really X. Why did you write it that way? A: Telling a story that delved as deeply into Nalia's life as this one does seemed to demand providing some closure for the issue of the Keep invasion. That said, I agree that it is certainly possible to make a compelling case for a different master antagonist. But, as we had to make *some* decision, this one seemed to provide the greatest amount of bang for our narrative buck, and allowed us to provide some other desired closure as well. Version History: V1: Initial Release V2: Added journal entries for Nalia quest LT10 now happens at rest, no additional conditions Nalia's post-vampire dialogue now triggers correctly Nalia no longer comments about "helping the unfortunate" inside her own Keep Minor corrections V3: Added Russian translation by Aleksander Zudwa V4: Ensured full BG2:EE compatibility V5: Added French translation by Mornagest V6: EET compatibility typo corrections deleted unnecessary archive "libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z", "areas/pgdarn.baf", "areas/PGDARN.bam.gif", "areas/pgdarndoorc.bmp" use of pvrz for the EE games (all fixes from BWP Fixpack integrated) renamed setup-deArnise.tp2 -> deArnise.tp2 to support ALIEN's "Project Infinity" added deArnise.ini to support ALIEN's "Project Infinity" Updated to WeiDU 246 V7: updated coran.ini with the GitHub address for download added folder with iconv licence info CREDITS Jason Compton Designer Olga Silaeva (Kulyok) WeiDU Ninja Bonnie Rutledge (Bons) Area artist Music credits: "Big Red Moon" by Michele Vanni. Licensed through Thanks to our beta testers: Lord Ernie, gertjanvh, purplecloud, shiroryu, Darius, Niaroanc, Adahn, magrat, Kanain Special thanks go to the countless people who patiently reminded me that I should have finished this mod years ago, but still eagerly awaited the final result. Sorry about that, everyone. Double special thanks to Kulyok, for rescuing the mod from development hell. Technical elements, including scripts, are Copyright © 2002-2007 Olga Silaeva and Jason Compton. Audiovisual elements are Copyright © 2002-2007 Jason Compton. de'Arnise Romance is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare or Interplay/Black Isle. REDISTRIBUTION NOTE: de'Arnise Romance was created to be freely enjoyed by all Baldur's Gate 2 players. However, this program may not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of its authors. LINKS Home of WeiDU Home of this mod, and other fine projects! Home of Near Infinity Home of Infinity Explorer